Linux Hacks for everyone

  • cp

    cp: Copying Files The cp command is a fundamental tool in Linux for copying files from one location to another. It’s a simple yet powerful utility that can save you a lot of time when working with files. What it does cp stands for „copy“ and is used to create a duplicate of a file…

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  • pwd

    pwd The pwd command is a simple yet essential tool that displays the current working directory. It’s one of the most basic commands in Linux, and its purpose is straightforward: it shows you where you are in the file system. When you run pwd, it will print the absolute path of the directory you’re currently…

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  • cd

    CD The cd command is a fundamental command in Linux that allows users to navigate through their file system and change directories. It’s one of the most frequently used commands, and understanding its basics is essential for anyone using Linux. What does CD do? When you type cd followed by a directory name or path,…

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  • ls

    LS The ls command, which stands for „list,“ is a fundamental tool in Linux that allows users to view the contents of a directory or file system. It’s one of the most commonly used commands on any Linux distribution. What does it do? When you run the ls command without any options, it lists the…

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