

The mkdir command, short for „make directory“, is used to create new directories in a Linux system. This command is essential for any Linux user who wants to organize their files and folders in a structured manner.

What’s it for?

The primary use of mkdir is to create new directories where you can store your files and subdirectories. This helps keep your file system tidy, making it easier to find specific files and reducing the risk of data loss due to misplacement or overwriting.


The basic syntax for using mkdir is:
mkdir [options] directory_name

Where [options] can include -p (create parent directories if they do not exist), --help (display help information and exit), and others. The directory_name is the name you give to your new directory.


  • To create a new directory named „Documents“ in your current working directory:
    mkdir Documents

  • To create a new directory named „My Project“ with its parent directories if they do not exist:
    mkdir -p My\ Project

Special Hacks

  • mkdir with multiple directories at once: While you can manually cd into each parent directory before making the actual one, using -p option makes it more efficient.
    mkdir -p path/to/new/directory

  • Using mkdir in a script or automation pipeline: In scripts or automated tasks where directory creation is part of the setup process, mkdir can be used directly without interactive prompts, ensuring directories are created as expected.

Level of Experience

This command is suitable for beginners to intermediate users. Understanding how to use mkdir effectively is a foundational skill in using Linux and managing your files and directories efficiently. It’s recommended that new users learn this early on, while advanced users will appreciate the flexibility it provides in scripts and automation tasks.

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